Responsible Marketing Policy v. 1.1

SalMar Tenet:

The job we do today is vital to the success of us all


Caution and precision in communication


Responsible Marketing Policy

SalMar sells products to and communicates with a large customer base. As a food producer, SalMar is cognizant of its responsibility to be transparent and share information on operating practices, food content and any other information relevant to customers, suppliers or strategic partners. When communicating externally or conducting marketing practices, SalMar is committed to:

·         Always follow relevant legislation on communication and marketing practices, both national and international

·         Always provide the correct information regardless of how it reflects on the company

·         Always be able to document or validate any claims with facts, scientific evidence and/or best practice

·         Always aim to educate customers, suppliers and strategic partners on the positives and the challenges of aquaculture practices

·         Only sponsor organisations or activities that aligns with SalMar’s vision, values and interests

·         Never discredit our competitors or collaborators

·         Never conduct targeted marketing towards an audience younger than 18 years old with the aim of boosting sales